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DPG Management Team

Raymond Lim

"We, DPG, help you and your family to achieve your goals while living your dreams"

Joshua Wong

"Pursue excellence and success will follow you"

Pei Qi
Master Financial Consultant

"Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow."

William Chua
Executive Financial Consultant

"What I am good at, what I like and what can inspire me, that's what I should do - Either for a living or pastime."

Isabelle Soh
Executive Financial Consultant

"We are not simple passengers of life, we are the drivers. We choose our own directions."

Alice Yuen
Senior Financial Consultant

"Happiness comes of the capacity to feel deeply, to enjoy simply, to think freely, to risk life, to be needed."

Jonathan Ang
Senior Financial Consultant

"There is nothing like a dream to create the future, utopia today, flesh and blood tomorrow"

Kelvin Kek
Financial Consultant

"Always be appreciative of what you have each and every day, especially your loved ones"

Lawrence Teo
Financial Consultant

"DPG! Go, Go, Go!"

Alan Wong
Financial Consultant

"Live for the present, plan for the future"

Cherry Lee
Financial Consultant

"Create your own future."

Sandra Tok
Relationship Manager

"If it is to be, it is up to me"

Tiffany Seah
Admin Secretary

"To be in a constant growing and advancing environment. Sharing the joy and happiness with the fellow team members."

Sylvia Chee
Recruitment Officer

"A place would be in good hands, constantly growing and consistently reaching higher"


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Welcome to DPG

Short Message from our Director:

We, DPG, help you and your family to achieve your goals while living your dreams.

-Raymond Lim, 07 July 2011

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Distinct Professionals Group
51 Scotts Road #02-22 Singapore 228241
Telephone: +65 6572 6929
Fax: +65 6572 6930
DID: +65 6572 6933